Monday, March 3, 2014

What's The Deal With Comedy!?

The other night I got to go see Jerry Seinfeld do stand up. It's been a while since I got to see him do stand up and I forgot how great it was. But why is it that people like watching Jerry Seinfeld do stand up? I think it's because his jokes are about stuff people can relate to and have truth to them. They're all about things or situations that happen to you in everyday life. And they aren't mean spirited like some comics, you won't ever hear him making fun of people like calling people fat or ugly. He picks out truths in our everyday habits and makes them the focal points, drawing focus to things we don't usually focus on or view or actions as. This is very important to take notice of. With such a plethora of comedy shows on television, especially ones focused on family life, it is an important tool to be able to use to have a successful show.

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