Tuesday, February 25, 2014

What Commercial Will You Make?

So advertising is everywhere you go someone is going to try to sell you something. It could be a car, some food, an experience of some sorts but no matter what advertising is the name of the game. Billboards, radio spots, commercials they're all around you. What exactly is it that separates your local car dealer commercials from that of a company like Pepsi? It's that they're able to hit important points in there advertisements. While a place like a local sandwich shop will do more to tell you about their business while a company like Pepsi will instead target your heart strings or make something exciting. and why is this? Because they're already a big established company, you already know who Pepsi is so instead of telling you more about their company they start relating their company and products to the kinds of feelings they want you to have when you think of them or their products. And this is why you see more artistic or entertaining commercials from them. They the artistic commercial does better then an informative commercial because it sticks in your mind more usually, but for business that are new or trying to grow it's better to be informative. If a commercial sticks in someone's mind about a place or thing they know nothing about, then you haven't accomplished anything. So always decide when you're about to make a commercial what is it you need to accomplish, inform the public or keep them in your mind.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Success Is How You See It

When somebody makes a TV show or a movie they want to know they have made a great product, but how do you determine greatness? There are many different ways to determine this is critics. You can always read about what people think in the news paper, on the internet or even watch critics on TV. However this mite not be the best way to get a feel for how good of a job you've done. You can obviously take a look at it from a numbers perspective, whether that is ticket sales, box office rankings, or amount of time spent in the box office. Some people determine the success of what they made off the impact it had. It may not have made as much money as other shows or movies but it had such a great influence on people or has a really great following. And others would base it off of awards they've received. Obviously every year you have lots of award shows that recognize shows that did really great in their nominated categories. In this case they value the opinion of the members of the academy or who ever is apart of the voting/judging pool. So what do you look at to determine success? Think about that next time you start a project.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Effective Super Bowl Advertising

As most of you know, unless of course you've been living under a rock, this Sunday was The Super Bowl. Of course this is known for two things, football and commercials. After watching many of these commercials I figured out there are three main approaches to making a successful and memorable Super Bowl commercial. The first is the animal approach. This is using animal talent to be as cute or comical as possible. It's best to make it reference to current culture, like the ostrich in the Doritos commercial referencing the surprised ostrich. The next of course is cute kids. Anytime you have a kid doing something funny, adorable, innocent or even mean, it doesn't just seem to be funny but also pulls at your heartstrings. Finally there is doing the unthinkable. This is usually using a concept or having an ending that wouldn't have been thought of because it seems to stupid but you give it the pay off to be fantastic. This is probably the hardest thing to pull off but still achievable. So what do you guys think of the commercials this year, let me know. Anyway see you all next week.