Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Music Sways The Scene

Music is a big component in television in movies. A lot of things in television in movies can trigger emotions like acting, visuals, but nothing does it better than music. For some reason well composed music can trigger the proper emotions. Music power doesn’t just lie with itself. Music helps to aid whatever scene is currently playing on screen. It may not even support the current action but if the music does something like start to sound creepy it preludes to what’s about to happen next. Its all about timing though. Trying to push a love song in the middle of an argument won’t do anything but confuse the audience. You need to have the feel for when and where music belongs to properly execute it to its fullest use. This takes time and reviewing past uses of music. So this has just been a quick idea that been running through my mind recently. See you guys next week and take care.

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