Wednesday, May 15, 2013

History Of Toonami Part 1 The Inception

Today I’m going to talk to all of you about the history of one of my favorite programming blocks of all time Toonami. For those of you that don’t know, Toonami is a timeblock most known for its run time on Saturday nights from 12 midnight until 6 in the morning, also code named The Midnight Run. It focuses on showing mostly anime but also has American animated television shows as well and usually consists of a video game review. Anyway let’s get into the history of this awesome programming block.

Originally it was launched as Cartoon Network’s primary action block and was hosted by Moltar, a villain from the show Space Ghost turned producer who would host  the program block from fictional Ghost Planet Industries. It would air in the afternoon ours of weekdays from 1997 to July 9th, 1999. The original Toonami would pale in comparison to the rest of it’s lifespan.

On July 10th 1999 Toonami was relaunched and started on its road to becoming the modern day Toonami. It introduced a new Broadcast station, The Ghost Planet Spaceship Absolution and it’s new host T.O.M. originally voiced by Sonny Strait. It then introduced the midnight run. The midnight run was the new programin gblock that it would run on. It would consist of a Saturday night/Sunday morning air time from 12 midnight to 5 a.m. It would remain this way until March of 2000 where it would become a weeknight 1 hour long format until January 2003. 

Come Back next week as we continue on the history of Toonami!

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