Tuesday, May 6, 2014

News Casting It's Meh

Everyone watches the news. We use it to get information on whats going on in the world all the time. But to me, news production isn't anything exciting. Whenever I'm watching the news it feels like everything is very plain and boring. And no it's not that shots are bad, or the subject is boring, but it doesn't feel like any passion or love is put into it. I believe only through narratives can you get the raw kind of emotion and feeling that really draws one into something. With news it very straightforward. This is what you say, heres some basic footage to report it and lets call it a day. Not to discredit people who do the news, because I can only imagine the stresses of producing that every day and that it must take a lot of talent, I just don't see how people could be passionate about it and able to put their heart into making it. My belief has always been, if you don't love something, who will, so personally I can never expect to work in news casting, because if I don't love making it, who will love watching it?

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