Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Music Makes The Movie

Everyone likes music. It's a way to pass time, have a conversation or add feeling to something. This traslates in to how we use music in television and in movies. The job of music is to make the audience feel a certain way through the emotional power music has. For instance when you have a scene thats building up to a climatic part, the music should build on top of itself as more instruments and such are added in and it gets louder or more powerful. Also it's important that when you want to add music you think about the end result you want it to have and what will help you achieve that. For instance if you want a love sequence to make people feel emotional you wouldn't want a metal guitar blaring in the background. Also most people probably want to throw in professional music from your favorite bands. While this may seem cool you need to first make sure you have the ability to legally do this and even if you can does it add more than a custom track made yourself would? Also while making your film or show you should allow your music to take a feel of it's own. This means that your music should have a sound to it no matter what kind of feel it's supposed to give off. This will make it easy for your audience to relate hearing that music to your film or show.  

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